Tuesday, July 24, 2012

School days

School days

Written by Veronika Robinson

This post is an invitation to current subscribers of The Mother magazine, and is not intended as a criticism of schools or those who choose to send their children to school. As a publication, we tend to focus on human-scale education, however we'd also like to accomodate the readers who choose other methods of schooling.
Although many of our subscribers home educate, unschool or have their children in a human-scale school, there are just as many whose children attend a mainstream school.

We're publishing a piece (NOT written by me) which includes parents' advice on how they balance their lives between their natural approach to parenting ~ and the culture of school life.

For example, how do you deal with wi-fi or phone masts in your child's school? Those who've researched this topic will make an informed decision not to have wi-fi in their home ~ but how do you deal with it in a child's school? Or what about those schools which are increasing the amounts of screen time in the classroom?

As a conscious and holistic parent, how do you find a way to spend positive time outdoors each day with your child for exercise, leisure and pleasure especially during the dark days of Winter when they've been in a classroom all day?

Do you let your children watch TV for hours after school or do you go in the garden, for a walk to the park or beach?

If there are issues such as bullying, swearing and rudeness in your child's school, how do you or they deal with this?

How do you balance homework when your child has been in a classroom all day?

What about when your child is being taught something that is fundamentally at odds with your family's beliefs or ethos? For example, your child's class is going on a trip to a war museum. If you feel your child is too young to be exposed to the horrors of war camps, do you let your child go?

Please share your ideas so that we can support other parents and children. If you're a current TM subscriber, you're welcome to email them to me at the usual office address